Pre School Philosophy
Preschool Philosophy
We provide a loving, safe and secure child friendly environment, which offers an appropriate Early Years curriculum as defined by the ‘Foundation Stage’ of the National Curriculum.
- The role of play in learning is a central one. Play is the natural point of access to the curriculum for children at their particular developmental stage and level of understanding. Play is planned for each child’s own active learning, which will capture the child’s interest and motivate them to learn.
- We regularly observe the children and record their developmental and intellectual progress.
- We plan for each child’s future development and intellectual progress.
- It is our philosophy to offer through play and our daily routine, opportunities for all the children to celebrate their individuality whatever their race, culture, sex, language, religion, social status or physical/intellectual ability.
- All children are treated equally.
- We aim to cater for each child’s individual needs.
- All children are encouraged to develop to their full potential
- It is the philosophy of our setting is to promote a partnership with parents, maintaining our belief that parents are the primary educators of their children. We hope to always consider the views and opinions and concerns of parents and carers.
- We continually review and evaluate our provisions to ensure that children are receiving quality education and make changes if necessary.
- We regularly renew our resources to provide ongoing stimulation and interest
- We keep up to date with Early Years development, new legislation and thinking.
- We regularly update staff training.
This policy was adopted by | Noah’s Ark Pre school | (name of provider) |
On | 29.08.19 | (date) |
Date to be reviewed | 29.08.20 | (date) |
Signed on behalf of the provider | ||
Name of signatory | Samantha Greenhow | |
Role of signatory (e.g. chair, director or owner) | Manager |